Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet plane.. in less than 13 hours!!!

Well that's not entirely true. I booked my airport transfer to take me to the airport yesterday and it's coming to pick me up at 3:30am. No joke people. This is how they roll. I'm probably getting to the airport at around 4:30 or so and my flight apparently leaves at 8:25AM. Clearly, they've changed the flight time because I was positive it said 6:30AM. I would not joke about something like that.

And I thought I'd also share that for the first time in, well, EVER, I have packed my stuff earlier than just before I leave for the airport. Usually it's a last minute dash around picking up stuff I might think I need and always forgetting my phone charger (it's happened 4 times) or my toothbrush (this happened once, but still it was rather inconvenient). However, I have packed these items in my luggage and they are ready to go! I can't believe this time tomorrow I'll be halfway between here and Seoul. Ah, for those of you who don't know, I have a one night layover in Seoul, Korea where I plan to explore the city for that one night. If you have any suggestions about what I could/should do for that one night, feel free to leave me a comment.

I got everything in there good! The suitcase has most of my stuff, the CR bag was for stuff I couldn't fit in the suitcase and then the SG bag was for stuff I forgot to put in the CR bag. I have a system going, people.

Random thought: Have you ever seen Honey, I Shrunk the Kids? You know how the dad had that machine that shrunk all their stuff when they moved house and re-biggelated later? That's what we need. It was an epic struggle to pick and then fit everything I wanted to take with me. And then after I closed the suitcase, I kept finding things that I know I needed to take with me, like shoes for the 'banquet'. I'd give you a picture of them, but I'd rather they be a surprise for the night :)

Later, chickens!

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