Aerial view of Charles University - I heart old buildingsHello everyone! You may be wondering the reason behind the rather bold exclamation in the region of the title area expressing my not not-sadness today. If you guessed 'because I finished my exams today' you would be right. If you guessed 'because I am allowed to sleep normal hours once again' you would not be wrong. And if you guessed 'because I'm going to Prague on Monday' you would also not be wrong. Well done. Full marks for you.
Yes children, the day that Charlotte leaves the country (for the first time in 3 years!!!) is drawing ever nearer! I shall be leaving the country at 6:30AM EST from Brisbane Airport this Monday. Too early to see me off? You are again, not incorrect (Well done, Watson!). However, in my magnanimous generosity, I will find it in my heart to forgive you for this grave indiscretion on your part if you agree to join me during my stay in Prague-land via this very blog. For those of you who don't know, I am doing a summer school-like program at Charles University in Human Rights. There will be around 50ish other students there with me studying various subjects (Human Rights, like yours truly; Comparative Politics; or International Business, I think). Shout out to
AIM Overseas for organising the program, Charles University for hosting the program and Mum and Dad for funding the program. You guys are pretty not uncool.
THUS, stay tuned folks and come back regularly for updates. I'll be updating as often as I can with fascinating tid-bits and vignettes about my time over there and uploading pictures and maybe even video footage if technology so allows (oh, and thanks again Mum and Dad for the new laptop. It's kind of really cool) because this will kind of be my online travel diary. Technology these days - what with the 'interwebs', and the 'lap-tops' and 'the Google'... what
will they think of next?
Oh and one more thing before I sign off. I may or may not be running mini-competitions while I run this thing. Each day I shall ask you question three to determine whether you are indeed, pure of heart. And by question three, I really mean one. And by pure of heart, I may or may not mean 'prize-winner of cool Prague-bought item'. I shall explain the rules to you laterly.
So yeah. Do it. FOLLOW THE BLOG!!! You know you want to.
PS: Genevieve Woods is responsible for the title of this blog. If you have a problem, you can take it up with her. She may or may not be making regular contributions of her wit/lameness to this blog. It's all up to you. REPRESENTATIVE READERSHIP!!! (sup homie law ladies? wow i'm lame.)